Tobacco Control Crazies

The New Era Black Lung Lie

The New Era Black Lung Lie

It has been a quiet time on these pages, not through lack of things to write about, but more a lack of time to actually put finger to key. Y’see, this campaign was released a few days ago - just in time for the typical “New Year Resolution” shenanigans - and of course, the accompanying video received rather a lot of attention. The imagery above, and the accompanying video, bring back stark memories of the “black lung” propaganda; images of which can still be seen on cigarette packs as part of the gore-porn that adorns them.
Ideology Beats Science

Ideology Beats Science

It seems that the shrieking from tobacco control about the Smoke-Free Foundation is still going. I am not particularly surprised by the near-constant wailing. It has, however, taken on a particularly curious note with the activist magazine Tobacco Control now flat refusing to publish any “industry-funded” papers; something it’s refused to do since 2013. Again, not particularly surprising. But it does highlight a very interesting, and potentially damaging viewpoint. Let’s be brutally honest here, the funding received by many tobacco controllers is via taxes.
Vaping as a Stick

Vaping as a Stick

I’m sure I don’t need to remind you, but vaping isn’t a stick to go around beating smokers with. It isn’t purely a cessation tool, though most alphabet organisations would love you to believe that. Sure, most vapers view vaping as a way off tobacco and bully for them. Some view it as a cessation method; ‘cos they wanted to stop smoking and nothing else worked for them. Again, bully for them.
What Happens if You Have No Argument

What Happens if You Have No Argument

As Dick Puddlecote has often pointed out on his blog - e-cigs have the potential to show up the plethora of lies, half-truths and utter hypocrisy of the troughers found in the tobacco control industry. There have been a few examples of this over the years, but there appears a new desperation setting in as a blatant, and rudimentary episode appeared from the land of down under. As others have remarked, Australian tobacco control have swung so far, and missed so often that they have now taken to openly slandering ordinary members of the public; implying - each of them - they are nothing but a front for the tobacco industry.
Please, Can We Have Some More?

Please, Can We Have Some More?

Now that we’re into the 11th year of the most spiteful and damaging social engineering exercise England has ever seen - otherwise known as the smoking ban - I found myself rather bemused by how innocuous the anniversary was. I wrote about the impending anniversary ahead of time, planning to write another piece on the day; but as these things go, that never happened. It was unsurprising to see the usual cobblers being spouted by various social media accounts using the hashtag #smokefree10.
The Evidence is Incontrovertible

The Evidence is Incontrovertible

Stan is an idiot. There. I’ve said it diplomatically. For once. Never again. Starting with e-cigs triples odds of starting cigarettes among college students; the evidence just keeps piling up The latest of his blog titles screams at you that starting the use of an e-cig will most definitely lead the crazy youth of today to take up smoking. Y’see, Stan is a firm believer in the whole gateway theory. That theory goes that should a young, impressionable youth (up to the age of 30) be taken in by the kiddie orientated marketing of e-cigarettes by “Big Tobacco” then sooner or later that impressionable youth is going to progress to cigarettes.

Still not blowing smoke

The original post for tonight was going to be all about the FDA Deeming and what it means for our US Vaping brethren. That all changed a few moments ago. Most of you should be aware of the idealistic moronic California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and their declaration that “electronic cigarettes are a public health threat”. If you aren’t, where have you been? Never mind that now, time enough for catch up later.

Don’t trust me, I’m a doctor

I really wasn’t going to write this post today, but having seen some discussions on Twitter last night and again today, it did just send my blood boiling. Let’s have a look at what fired it all off. Oh yes, keep taking a drug that has some seriously bad side effects never mind about the actual consequences because 1 in 2 will die anyway. Charming. Now, we all know what kinds of “side effects” Champix can have.

The Lows of Tobacco Control

Yesterday was a normal Friday. You know, looking forward to knocking off time at work, the weekend plans etcetera etcetera. I’d placed a couple of orders for some vapemail to be delivered the following day. Life was, in general pretty good. Then late afternoon, my less than perfect little world was seemingly torn apart. First, I’d like to give you a little back story. I am a huge fan of science fiction.