No Shit Sherlock

Tobacco companies can’t tell their arse from their elbow

Tobacco companies can’t tell their arse from their elbow

Thought I’d have a stab at making a sensationalist headline for once. I’ll admit, it needs work. Some work. OK a lot of work, but it sure as hellfire beats the headline gracing the on-line Mirror today. In a way, that headline can be seen as positive. In a bad light, if you squint. It isn’t the usual scaremongering headline that normally accompanies an article on personal vaporisers in the Mirror that’s for damn sure.

Building Evidence

Just for once, I’m going to be taking a break from my usual style of posts and am going to try and put my science type hat on. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist of any type, so if there are any mistakes in my interpretations below, do feel free to correct me. Politely of course! There have been a few studies published recently that are showing that the use of electronic cigarettes are far less harmful than traditional cigarettes.

Confidence testing

There has been a lot of discussion in all kinds of places relating to e-cig use. Various celebrities vape, and are seemingly criticized in online media particularly in the article comments. We found out recently that Nick Clegg quit smoking by vaping. You would think that with such large A-list names such as Simon Cowell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Johnny Depp, and so on would help to inspire a whole new generation of current smokers to at least consider switching even if they don’t actually switch.